Sunday, August 24, 2014

Who's Got Horizon P.R.I.D.E.? Third Graders do!

Third grade students at Horizon arrived full of excitement and nerves but soon settled in for their first day of third grade.  Happy to see their friends again after a summer of outdoor play, family trips, and trying to stay cool indoor, we set to work.

Our first order of business was coloring an owl that would be then be put on our third grade bulletin board in the hallway.  Each of the owls had a different pattern, some simple, some complex.  Some owls had a zig-zag pattern, some had a floral pattern, some were plain.  As each student colored their owl, they were demonstrating their personalities by the colors they chose and each owl represented our uniqueness.  Owls were placed on the "Who's Got Horizon P.R.I.D.E.?" bulletin board with their names beside them.

Throughout the day, we discussed and practiced procedures and routines.  And, we organized that huge mound of school supplies.  It is hard to believe how fast the first day of school went.

After the 2:30 dismissal, Ms. Amstutz stayed behind and continued to work "behind the scenes".  It was 6:00 before she left for the day.

The student's desks had their assignments ready for tomorrow...

and everyone else had left the building.

But, this had definitely been the BEST first day of school EVER!!!!

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