Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Sneak Peak at Room 177

I am so pleased to have been able to move across the hall to room 177 this year for one major reason...I have a window in the classroom.  It is so wonderful to have some natural lighting in the room!  I just love the way the room looks with the Turquoise on Dots coordinating decor.  Here are just a few photos of what is in our third grade classroom and some theory behind it.

A warm welcome into the classroom to greet the students will set the tone for the entire day.  Each day begins with a clean slate.

The view from the entrance to the room.  I really like the way my makeshift curtain turned out.  The potted silk flowers added a touch of vibrancy for the time being.  I do hope to add some live plants eventually.

Exemplar student work will be displayed on this board.  I am looking forward to seeing the amazing potential my new third graders have.

Above the bulletin board, number line and cursive alphabet charts are displayed.  Students WILL be taught cursive writing across the course of the school year.  Brain research has shown that when students write using cursive, more areas of the brain are stimulated than while printing or typing.  These areas are related to creativity and learning.  On the bulletin board, "I Can" statements and concept charts will be displayed for current material being addressed in class.

Classroom supplies are kept in the colored bins.  Student mail boxes are in the storage unit on the right.  Classroom behavior chart, schedule, morning work and calendar are on the wall.

This is one of the focal points of instruction.  This dry erase board will be used by the teacher and students for class instruction and for documentation of homework at the end of the day.

This is the other focal point of classroom instruction.  It is a STAR Board.  It is a type of interactive technology board.  Again, both students and teacher will use this for learning purposes.  Above the board are classroom hand signals which will cut down on class disruptions and to the left is our voice level chart so that we know which volume of voices are permitted for each activity.

This is my desk area.  Here's to keeping organized!  I have done everything I can to set myself and the students up for success for a great year.  On the table in front of the desk are turn in trays for classwork, homework, and parent mail.  The "jobs chart", class rules, and birthday  chart are on the wall.

Sometimes, students need a place to cool off or reflect on their choices.  This is the place to do it.  They will have the opportunity to actually "look at the man in the mirror" and fill out a "Behavior Intervention Plan" where they will identify what happened, why it happened, and possible solutions to prevent it from happening again.  Then they will identify their plan for making a change.  When students are required to complete a BIP, a parent signature will be required.

Attendance and lunch count will be taken by this clip chart system to avoid the loss of any instructional minutes spent taking roll call.  Students will move a clip from "absent" to their lunch selection when they arrive in the morning.

Front of room perspective from the door.

Back of room, perspective from teacher desk.

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